1400 - 1500
What if we continued sailing westward from Europe? Would we reach India sooner?
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 | 1500 - 1600
What if the Earth revolves around the Sun? Would that explain the movements of the other planets better?
1600 - 1700
What if for the same reason the apple falls to the ground and the Earth revolves around the Sun?
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 | 1700 - 1800
What if we heated water and used the steam to power machines?
1800 - 1850
What if we harnessed the same power that creates lightning to build an electric battery?
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 | 1850 - 1875
What if we built a space cannon and let it fly from the Earth to the Moon?
1875 - 1900
What if we created rays of light that could shine through the human body revealing its interior?
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 | 1900 - 1910
What if time passes more slowly for passengers traveling in a fast-moving spaceship?
1910 - 1920
What if continents move around the surface of the Earth? Could it be the reason for earthquakes?
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 | 1920 - 1930
What if God plays dice and the building blocks of nature behave in an uncertain way?
1930 - 1940
What if heavy hydrogen nuclei could be forced to react with each other and fused into helium?
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 | 1940 - 1950
What if we used binary arithmetic to create machines that carry out mathematical calculations?
1950 - 1960
What if a computer program became intelligent enough to pass a test in which it cannot be distinguished from a human being? What if a program were able to beat the best chess player in the world?
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 | 1960 - 1970
What if the universe once began as an infinitesimal point and has been expanding ever since?
1970 - 1980
What if a commercial airplane could transport passengers from London to New York in less than 4 hours?
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 | 1980 - 1985
What if every household could afford its own personal computer?
1985 - 1990
What if we discovered extrasolar planets orbiting other star systems?
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 | 1990 - 1995
What if the Internet allowed people to retrieve information with a few simple mouse clicks?
1995 - 2000
What if we decoded and understood the entire human genome? Would we be able to cure almost all diseases?
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 | 2000 - 2005
What if nanorobots were introduced into the human body to repair damaged tissue and destroy harmful viruses?
2005 - 2010
What if petascale computing systems were developed, capable of performing quadrillions of calculations per second?
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 | 2010 - 2015
What if we found new ways and encountered new opportunities to send humans to Mars?
2015 - 2020
What if we built androids that behave almost like human beings?
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 | 2020 - 2025
What if we took high resolution pictures of terrestrial planets orbiting other stars? Will some of them resemble Earth?
2025 - 2030
What if we did accomplish nuclear fusion in a power plant on Earth?
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 | 2025 - 2030
What if we constructed an artificial womb that nurtures human embryos into healthy babies?
2030 - 2035
What if we developed smart materials that would last thousands of years under the harsh conditions of outer space?
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 | 2035 - 2040
What if we could equip spaceships with new propulsion systems allowing for reliable long-distance space travel?
2040 - 2045
What if virtual reality technology could be used for long-distance space travel helping human space crews maintain their psychological health?
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 | 2045 - 2050
What if a technological singularity came into existence, a smarter-than-human entity which would rapidly accelerate technological progress beyond the capability of human beings?
2050 - 2055
What if an extinction level event on Earth became imminent? How would we prepare for it?
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 | 2055 - 2060
What if it were possible to send frozen human embryos on an interstellar space expedition?
2060 - 2065
What if we built a space elevator that drastically reduces costs of lifting off materials from Earth?
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 | 2065 - 2070
What if the practice of cryopreserving humans could overcome the obstacles of tissue damage?
2070 - 2075
What if helium-3 mining became widespread in the solar system?
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 | 2075 - 2080
What if there were smarter and simpler planet engineering technologies for terraforming other planets?
2080 - 2085
What if we stored the genomes of all living species in digital seed banks and find ways to bring them to life in the distant future?
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 | 2085 - 2090
What if the SETI project at last recorded a message from an intelligent extraterrestrial species?
2090 - 2095
What if there were a complete merger between human technology and human intelligence, could we decorate walls using our thoughts?
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 | 2095 - 2100
What if we could slow down the aging process, halt it entirely, or even reverse it?